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:: Balwyn High - Class of '67 ::

It's hard to believe, August 40 years ago we were all stressed out of our brains studying for final matriculation exams. The culmination of 12 or 13 years of education preparing us brave souls to be let loose on this big scary world. And most of us survived that stress, got through the exams, cut loose in November, enjoyed uni or whatever came after the regimented years at Balwyn High, got jobs, started families, and here we are... 40 years on! What better time to start blogging it all out?!
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:: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 ::

Our Mission

Like Elwood and Jake, we're kind of on a mission from God. Getting the band back together!

So the purpose of this blog is to:

a) round up as many as possible of the gang from Balwyn High who matriculated in 1967, get us all registered here on this blog, and that way we have a growing network of up-to-date contacts;

b) keep up to date with news and happenings in all our lives;

c) share photos and anecdotes;

d) organise things. Like hopefully a "40 up" reunion; and

d) reminisce. Nostalgia. Funny stories from back then. And now that we're at least as old and wise as those teachers who put the fear of God into us, we can chat about them from on high!

Our hope is for humour, lots of it. And just the fun of sharing with the only people on this earth who lived through those school days with us all, and have the same memories. Special people from a special time in our lives! Getting everyone together again, like the Blues Brothers on a mission, putting the band back together.

Founding members, simply because these are the emails to hand, are Sandy Carr (ADJ Carr, and there'll be a special prize for whoever remembers what each of those initials stand for, perhaps we'll call it the Archibald Rogers Prize!), Tony Masters, Chris Ritter, Steve Stretchberry and Geoff Williams. If you are one of the special members of this band of 1967 matriculants, simply reply to the email at the top, or post a comment with your email address and we'll get you signed on.

Then start posting. Pic's. Funny stories. News updates. Whatever, just great to hear from you.

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:: geoff 9:30 AM 0 comments ::
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