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:: Balwyn High - Class of '67 ::

It's hard to believe, August 40 years ago we were all stressed out of our brains studying for final matriculation exams. The culmination of 12 or 13 years of education preparing us brave souls to be let loose on this big scary world. And most of us survived that stress, got through the exams, cut loose in November, enjoyed uni or whatever came after the regimented years at Balwyn High, got jobs, started families, and here we are... 40 years on! What better time to start blogging it all out?!
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:: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 ::

Sandy's Bash

A wonderful invitation out of the blue (rather uncharitably headed "Invasion of the Ageing Boomers") from Sandy..

"SANDY'S BACK!! (For one week only...)
Leave your 'zimmers' and 'gophers' outside and join me for drinks, nibbles and a BIG catch up, in the FRONT BAR..."

So we did as told, left the zimmers behind and headed off to the Rose Hotel, Port Melbourne. Last Sunday, 26th August. With considerable anticipation and also some concerns.

Concern that there might, after all these years, be some bad news about one or other of our old school mates. And dreading meeting up with old schoolyard sweethearts, but disappointed when they didn't turn up. And a fear that we'd walk into a bar full of old school mates and hardly recognise (remember?) any.

Well we did walk into a bar full of people, and we did hardly recognise any, except most were from other areas of Sandy's life and the only BHS contacts were Sandy of course, Chris and Heather Ritter and their bright young son Alex, Geoff and Katrina Williams and Geoff's baby sister Liz, also Sandy's older brother Russell.

And thankfully there was no bad news, and like I said all the school sweethearts disappointed yet again.

Sandy's opening greeting was something along the lines of what are we organising to celebrate 40 years of freedom from matriculation exams. Which got us thinking, and this blog is the result. Hopefully it will be useful and fun.

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:: geoff 5:20 PM 0 comments ::
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