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:: Balwyn High - Class of '67 ::It's hard to believe, August 40 years ago we were all stressed out of our brains studying for final matriculation exams. The culmination of 12 or 13 years of education preparing us brave souls to be let loose on this big scary world. And most of us survived that stress, got through the exams, cut loose in November, enjoyed uni or whatever came after the regimented years at Balwyn High, got jobs, started families, and here we are... 40 years on! What better time to start blogging it all out?! | |||||||||||||||
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:: Monday, August 27, 2007 :: Some Words of Encouragement...
OK someone with a good memory.. what was the percentage of our year giving Balwyn High a bad reputation, according to Mr Willis? And what was Mr Willis's first name?? I seem to remember an underground newspaper being produced, called "The Three Percent" (or whatever, maybe it was 5%??). Anybody got a copy? We could reproduce it here for posterity!!
And what was the event that precipitated this outrage by Willis? Lots I either forget or never knew, but I remember vividly the assembly, we were all lined up outside, think it was senior school, and Willis stood at top of the steps as he dressed us down. Reminds me of Hitler's address to the Austrians, now thinking back. He was a scary fellow, on occasions like that.
According to my copy of Buchanan, Mr Willis' last year was 1965, when we would have been in 4th form. I have a recollection that it was an address to the 2% and was either given, rehashed or enlarged upon in our first year, because I have a memory of being bemused by this tirade, the reason for which was unknown to me. Now, whether that was first year at BHS (1962 ?) or first year in "senior school" (1965?) I can't recall (I fancy the latter). I too, recall him standing at the top of the steps at what I think Geoff correctly identifies as the senior assembly - I recall it as the Buchanan Ave end of the building furthest up the hill.
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Now the people who did deserve a dressing down were the students from our class who were setting up demonstrations for a teachers' in-service in about 1966 and who left some H2S in our class room. All these years I've wondered who they were.