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:: Balwyn High - Class of '67 ::
It's hard to believe, August 40 years ago we were all stressed out of our brains studying for final matriculation exams. The culmination of 12 or 13 years of education preparing us brave souls to be let loose on this big scary world. And most of us survived that stress, got through the exams, cut loose in November, enjoyed uni or whatever came after the regimented years at Balwyn High, got jobs, started families, and here we are... 40 years on! What better time to start blogging it all out?! |
:: Saturday, September 8, 2007 ::
It's Quiet Here...
Either we're a shy lot or not as computer savvy as we surely would have been if we were 40 years younger. Imagine the Bill Gates who would have come from the intellects of our matric year, and if there'd been an internet back then we would have had all those bright ideas like starting google and eBay and MySpace etc etc. But alas, we were born too early to leave our mark on the cyber world that way.
Anyway, get on board here and let's make this a memorable cyberspace record of our matric year (it might even still be around when we're all not!)
News update: we have an email contact for Kathy Ley (nee Noble). Welcome Kathy, hope you join up and are brave enough to post something (picture?). I'll post another pic to go with this, but they're all on my work computer so it'll have to be on Monday [have done as promised, group of us celebrating at the local Indian restaurant on Steve's last visit downunder, August '05; caption "We're a happy team - at Hawthorn? (Rajbhog, Templestowe actually!)].
Otherwise, if you click on the link at left "blogs that link here", you'll discover that we're currently ranked blog number 7,966,799 in popularity world-wide. Now there's a challenge, we should be able to improve that considerably by making this more interesting...Labels: Balwyn High School, Class of 1967, cyber record, matriculation, news update
:: geoff 11:04 AM